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Welcome ! The Logician is a rich lode of original discourses by Avi Sion on the theory and application of Inductive as well as Deductive Logic… and more broadly on Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology, Epistemology, Sense-Perception, Modality, Causality, Psychology, Biology, Meditation, Ethics, Theology, and much more.


Avi Sion (Ph.D. Philosophy) is an independent researcher, thinker, and writer in logic, philosophy, and spirituality.
He has, from 1990 to 2024, self-published 30 books on these subjects

Avi Sion's 30 books can be read online or downloaded, free of charge.

The books are shown below in chronological order (from the first to the most recent).
But their contents are timeless and they can be read in any order..

Just explore the titles and click on the image of the book that interests you:

It took the author over three decades of conscientious work to produce the 30 books offered free of charge here, in website, so it would surely take years to study them all carefully. You might therefore want to first check out the Abstracts listed in the Guide to Avi Sion's Works, which also gives an overview of the chronology of these books, and  information regarding where they can be purchased if you want a print or e-book copy, and where else you can read or download them. (Click on the adjacent title.)

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