Phenomenologyis now available as a paperback (424p. A5, $20 plus shipping expenses), and as an eBook ($2.50). To order online click on the following hyperlink:
TheLogician.netPhenomenology© Avi Sion, 2003.TABLE OF CONTENTS.Contents in brief:AbstractFigures 1-41. What, Why and How2. Organizing Principles3. Experiences and Abstractions4. Conceptualization5. The Self6. Additional Topics7. The Active Role of Logic8. Epistemological Issues in Mathematics9. Theology Without PrejudiceReferencesAppendix 1 – Using MeditationAppendix 2 – Feelings of EmptinessAppendix 3 – Mental ProjectionContents in detail:
- Existence, appearance, and reality
- Assumed material, mental and spiritual domains
- A classification of appearances
- Three types of continuity
1.What, Why and How
- Phenomenology
- Knowledge is Based On Appearance
- To Be Or Not To Be
- The Phenomenological Approach
2.Organizing Principles
- The Order of Things
- Appearance and Other Large Concepts
- Material, Mental, Intuitive, Abstract
- Number, Space and Time
- Modality and Causality
3.Experiences and Abstractions
- The Objects of Perception
- The Objects of Intuition
- Correlations Between Experiences
- Conceptual Objects
- Degrees of Interiority
- Sameness and Difference
- Compatibility or Incompatibility
- Words and Intentions
- A Theory of Universals
- Unity In Plurality
5.The Self
- The Self
- Factors of the “Self”
- Identification-With
- Ideal and Practical Concepts
- Fallacious Criticisms of Selfhood
- What “Emptiness” Might Be
6.Additional Topics
- Present Appearances
- The Concepts of Space and Time
- Apprehension of the Four Dimensions
- Contents of Thought Processes
- Universals and Potentiality
- Social vs. Personal Knowledge
7.The Active Role of Logic
- Principles of Adduction
- Generalization is Justifiable
- Logical Attitudes
- Syllogism Adds to Knowledge
- There is a Formal Logic of Change
- Concept Formation
- Empty Classes
- Context
- Communication
8.Epistemological Issues in Mathematics
- Mathematics and Logic
- Geometrical Concepts have an Experiential Basis
- Geometry is a Phenomenological Science
- On “New Arithmetical Entities”
- Imagining a Thoroughly Empirical Arithmetic
9. Theology Without Prejudice
- Applying Logical Standards to Theology
- Conceiving the Divine Attributes
- Analyzing Omniscience and Omnipotence
- Harmonizing Justice and Mercy
- The Formlessness of God