These published books bring together essays, relevant to their title topic, drawn from all of Avi Sion ’ s past works.
You can read their contents online by following the links. To purchase them, go to the Bookshop .
Logical Philosophy is a compendium of five works, namely: Phenomenology , Volition and Allied Causal Concepts , Meditations , Ruminations , and Buddhist Illogic , which together define what may be termed ‘ Logical Philosophy ’ , i.e. philosophical discourse distinguished by its steadfast reliance on inductive and deductive logic to resolve epistemological and ontological issues. |
| The Laws of Thought is an exploration of the deductive and inductive foundations of rational thought. Here, the author clarifies and defends Aristotle ’ s Three Laws of Thought, called the Laws of Identity, Non-contradiction and Exclusion of the Middle – and introduces two more, which are implicit in and crucial to them: theFourth Law of Thought, called the Principle of Induction, and the Fifth Law of Thought, called the Principle of Deduction. | |
| Inductive Logic demonstrates the possibility and conditions of validity of human knowledge, the utility and reliability of human cognitive means when properly used, contrary to the skeptical assumptions that are nowadays fashionable. |
| Paradoxes and Their Resolutions comprises expositions and resolutions of many (though not all) ancient and modern paradoxes, including: the Protagoras-Euathlusparadox, the Liar paradox and the Sorites paradox, Russell ’ s paradoxand its derivatives the Barber paradox and the Master Catalogue paradox, Grelling ’ s paradox, Hempel’s paradox of confirmation, and Goodman ’ s paradox of prediction. This volume also presents and comments on some of the antinomic discourse found in some Buddhist texts (namely, in Nagarjuna and in the Diamond Sutra). |
| The Self is an inquiry into the concepts of self, soul, person, ego, consciousness, psycheand mind – ranging over phenomenology, logic, epistemology, ontology, psychology, spirituality, meditation, ethics and metaphysics. | Ethics is a collection of thoughts on the method, formand content of Ethics. | |
Theology is about God and Creation, or more precisely perhaps about our ideas of them, how they are formed and somewhat justified, although it is stressed that they can be neither proved nor disproved. | Logical Criticism of Buddhist Doctrines comprises expositions and empirical and logical critiques of many (though not all) Buddhist doctrines, such as impermanence, interdependence, emptiness, the denial of self or soul. It includes the author’s most recent essay, regarding the five skandhas doctrine. | ||
Logic in the Torah consists of essays drawn from Judaic Logic and A Fortiori Logic, in which traces of logic in the Torah and related religious documents (the Nakh, the Christian Bible, and the Koran and Hadiths) are identified and analyzed. | Logic in the Talmud consists of essays drawn from Judaic Logic and A Fortiori Logic, in which traces of logic in the Talmud (the Mishna and Gemara) are identified and analyzed. While this book does not constitute an exhaustive study of logic in the Talmud, it is a ground-breaking and extensive study. |