15b Some More Three-Item Syllogisms cont’d

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase Two: MicroanalysisChapter 15 - Some More Three-Item Syllogisms1.Special Cases of Three-Item Syllogism.2.Dealing with Negatives2.Dealing with Negatives.Let us now sketch the application of our methods to the solution of syllogisms involving a negative premise or two. We start as always by identifying the alternative moduses of the various possible premises, then we [...]

15b Some More Three-Item Syllogisms cont’d2023-01-05T09:44:19+02:00

14b Main Three-Item Syllogisms cont’d

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase Two: MicroanalysisChapter 14-Main Three-ItemSyllogisms1.Applying Microanalysis to Syllogism.2.The Moduses of Premises.3.The Moduses of Conclusions4.Dealing with Vaguer Propositions3.The Moduses of Conclusions.Putting the data in the above table together in various combinations, we can now ascertain the moduses of resulting conclusions. As already said, when the premises have no common modus, they are “inconsistent”. [...]

14b Main Three-Item Syllogisms cont’d2023-01-05T11:26:40+02:00

12b Systematic Microanalysis cont’d

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase Two: MicroanalysisChapter 12-Systematic Microanalysis1. Grand Matrices.2. Moduses in a Two-Item Framework.3. Catalogue of Moduses, for Three Items.4.Enumeration of Moduses, for Three Items5.Comparing Frameworks4. Enumeration of Moduses, for Three Items.The following table interprets the preceding, by enumeration of the alternative moduses of the main causative forms. It is based on the known [...]

12b Systematic Microanalysis cont’d2023-01-05T09:55:02+02:00

8b Matricial Analyses cont’d

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase One: MacroanalysisChapter 8 -Matricial Analyses.1. Matricial Analysis.2. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 1.3.Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 2.4.Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 3.3.Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 2.Evaluation of mood # 221.(Similarly,mutadis mutandis, formood # 231.)Major premise: R is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of Q:(i)If R, [...]

8b Matricial Analyses cont’d2023-01-05T09:58:03+02:00

7d Reductions in Figure 3

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase One: MacroanalysisChapter 7 -Reduction of Positive Moods.1.Reduction.2.Reductions in Figure 1.3.Reductions in Figure 2.4.Reductions in Figure 3.Section4.Reductions in Figure 3.First, note that ten moods in subfigure 3d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the minor premise (which has form Q(S)P) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts with the weak determination(s) of the [...]

7d Reductions in Figure 32023-01-05T10:03:17+02:00

7c Reductions in Figure 2

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase One: MacroanalysisChapter 7 -Reduction of Positive Moods.1.Reduction.2.Reductions in Figure 1.3.Reductions in Figure 2.4.Reductions in Figure 3.Section3.Reductions in Figure 2.First, note that six moods in subfigure 2d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the minor premise (which has form P(S)Q) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts with any weak determination of same [...]

7c Reductions in Figure 22023-01-05T10:07:09+02:00

7b Reductions in Figure 1

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase One: MacroanalysisChapter 7 -Reduction of Positive Moods.1.Reduction.2.Reductions in Figure 1.3.Reductions in Figure 2.4.Reductions in Figure 3.Section 2.Reductions in Figure 1.First, note that ten moods in subfigure 1d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the minor premise (which has form P(S)Q) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts with the weak determination(s) of [...]

7b Reductions in Figure 12023-01-05T10:11:48+02:00

LC References

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONReferencesThe Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Paul Edwards, Ed.New York: Macmillan, 1967.Sion, Avi.Future Logic: Categorical and Conditional Deduction and Induction of the Natural, Temporal, Extensional and Logical Modalities.Vancouver, B. C.: Author, 1990.Rev. ed. Geneva: Author, 1996.Hart, H. L. A., and Honoré, A. M.Causation in the Law.Oxford: Oxford, 1959.The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences.Robert A. [...]

LC References2023-01-05T10:13:18+02:00

LC Tables

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONTables and DiagramsIn Phase IIn Phase IIIn Phase IIIIn Phase IThe tables and diagrams in this phase can be found in their respective chapters adjacent to the relevant text.Table 2.1. Complete causation. Table 2.2. Necessary causation. Table 2.3. Partial causation. Table 2.4. Contingent causation. Table 3.1. Possible specifications of the 4 generic [...]

LC Tables2023-01-05T11:13:59+02:00

Grand Matrices

THE LOGIC OF CAUSATIONPhase Two: MicroanalysisAppendix - Grand MatricesFor a fuller account of this topic, see Chapter 12.1. Catalogue of moduses for the four conjunctions of two items (P, R).RowItems**Possible moduses, labeled 2-15labelPR12345678910111213141516a110000000011111111b100000111100001111c010011001100110011d000101010101010101**Column labeled No. 1 is an impossible modus.2. Catalogue of moduses for the eight conjunctions of three items (P, Q, R).Items**Possible moduses, labeled [...]

Grand Matrices2023-01-05T11:21:40+02:00
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