General Sitemap




© Avi Sion, 1990 and 1996. 

© Avi Sion, 1999, 2003, 2010.

© Avi Sion, 1995 and 1997. 




Table of Contents

Table of Contents  

Table of Contents




Part I. Actual Categoricals

Phase One: Macroanalysis

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1. The Paradigm of Causation

2. Adductive Logic in the Torah

2. Foundations

2. The Generic Determinations

3. The Formalities of  A-Fortiori  Logic

3. Logical Relations

3. The Specific Determinations

4.  Qal VaChomer

4. Words and Things

4. Immediate Inferences

5. Revised List of Biblical  A-Fortiori

5. Propositions

5. Causative Syllogism

6. The Language of Biblical  A-Fortiori

6. Oppositions

6. Lists of Positive Moods

7. Without Prejudice

7. Eductions

7. Reduction of Positive Moods

8. Initial Impressions

8. Syllogisms: Definitions

8. Matricial Analyses

9. Traditional Teachings

9. Syllogisms: Applications

9. Squeezing Out More Information 

10. The Thirteen  Midot  (I)

10. Syllogisms: Validations

10. Wrapping Up Phase One

11. The Thirteen  Midot  (II)

Part II. Modal Categoricals

Phase Two: Microanalysis

12. The Sinai Connection.

11. Modality: Categories and Types

11. Piecemeal Microanalysis

13. On the Concept of  Mitzvah

12. Sources of Modality

12. Systematic Microanalysis

14. Logical Aspects of  Emunah

13. Modal Propositions

13. Some More Microanalyses

15. Epilogue

14. Modal Oppositions and Eductions

14. Main Three-Item Syllogisms


15. Main Modal Syllogisms

15. Some More Three-Item Syllogisms


16. Other Modal Syllogisms

16. Outstanding Issues


17. Transitive Categoricals

Phase Three: Software Assisted Analysis

Allied Works  

18. Permutation

17. Resuming the Research

Jewish Logic: A Brief History and Evaluation

19. More About Quantity

18. Moduses of the Forms

Le raisonnement talmudique

Part III. Logical Conditioning

19. Defining Causation

Islamic Logic

20. Credibility

20. Concerning Complements

Order the SlatkineEdition of Judaic Logic

21. Logical Modality

21. Causative Syllogisms

22. Contextuality

22. Scanning for Conclusions


23. Conjunction

23. Exploring Further Afield

© Avi Sion, 2006.

24. Hypothetical Propositions

24. A Practical Guide to Causative Logic


25. Hypotheticals: Oppositions and Eductions


Table of Contents

26. Disjunction

J.S. Mill’s Methods: A Critical Analysis


27. Intricate Logic

Grand Matrices

Part 1: Some Theoretical Considerations

28. Logical Compositions

Tables and Diagrams

1. What is meditation?

29. Hypothetical Syllogism and Production


2. Thought and meditation

30. Logical Apodosis and Dilemma

3. The goals of meditation

31. Paradoxes


4. Theory and practice

32. Double Paradoxes

© Avi Sion, 2004.

5. Interpretations

Part IV. De Re Conditioning


6. The coexistence of the One and the many

33. Conditional Propositions

Table of Contents

7. Methods and experiences

34. Natural Conditionals: Features


Part 2: Understanding TheSelf

35. Natural Conditionals: Oppositions, Eductions

1. Basic Causal Relations

8. The individual self in Monism

36. Natural Conditional Syllogism and Production

2. Interactions between Volition and Causation

9. The impression of self

37. Natural Apodosis and Dilemma

3. Further Analysis of Volition

10. Impermanence: the concept and the principle

38. Temporal Conditionals

4. Consciousness and Responsibility

11. Not an essence, but an entity

39. Extensionals: Features, Oppositions, Eductions

5. Influence and Freedom

12. Distinguishing the ego

40. Extensional Conditional Deduction

6. Further Analysis of Influence

13. Dismissing the ego

41. Modalities of Subsumption

7. The Workings of Volition

14. Relief from suffering

42. Condensed Propositions

8. Volition and the Special Sciences

Part 3: Some Behavioral Disciplines

Part V(a). Class-Logic

9. Will, Velleity and Whim

15. Taking up the challenge

43. The Logic of Classes

10. Affections and Appetites

16. Face facts with equanimity

44. Hierarchies and Orders

11. Complications of Influence

17. Stop substance addictions

45. Illicit Processes in Class Logic

12. Urges and Impulses

18. Don’tstuff yourself silly

Part V(b). Adduction

13. The Quasi-Purposive in Nature

19. Limit input from the media

46. Adduction

14. Concepts of Evolution

20. Forget your face

47. Theory Formation

15. More about Evolution

21. Give up sensuality

48. Theory Selection

16. The Self

22. On “sexual liberation”

49. Synthetic Logic

17. Some Topics in Deontology

23. Practice non-attachment

Part VI. Factorial Induction

18. More Topics in Deontology

Part 4: Some Sitting Meditations

50. Actual Induction


24. Time, placeand posture

51. Elements and Compounds


25. Observe the mechanisms of thought

52. Fractions and Integers

26. Stop unnecessary thinking

53. Factorial Analysis


27. Dealing with distractions

54. Modal Induction

© Avi Sion, 2008.

28. Sitting forgetting

55. Factor Selection


29. Breath awareness

56. Applied Factor Selection

Table of Contents

30. Being here and now

57. Formula Revision


31. With or without a self

58. Gross Formula Revision

Part I – Logical Reflections

32. Whether mind or matter

59. Factorial Formula Revision

Book 1.   Hume’s Problems with Induction

33. Already there

Part VII. Perspectives

1. Hume’s “problem of induction”


60. Phenomena

2. The principle of induction


61. Consciousness and The Mind

3. Causation, necessity and connection


62. Perception and Recognition

4. The psychology of induction

Table of Contents

63. Past Logic

5. The self or soul


64. Critique of Modern Logic

6. Freewill


65. Developments in Tropology

7. The is-ought dichotomy

Part II – Spiritual Reflections

66. Metalogic

8. Hempel’s paradox of confirmation

Book 4.  More Meditations

67. Inductive Logic

9. Goodman’s paradox of prediction

1. Go directly and keep going 

68. Future Logic

10. The induction of induction

2. Breath and thought awareness


11. Descartes’ mind-body dichotomy

3. Self awareness


12. Some further remarks on causal logic

4. Meditation on the self

Appendix 1 – introduction

Book 2. A Short Critique of Kant’s Unreason

5. Various remarks on meditation

1st segment of table (F1-F21)

1. Kant’s transcendental reality

6. Mental health

2nd segment of table (F22-F42)

2. The analytic-synthetic dichotomy

7. Behold the mind

3rd segment of table (F43-F63)

3. Theory of knowledge

8. The four foundations and the core practice

Appendix 2

4. Experience, spaceand time

9. Transcending suffering and karma

5. Kant’s “categories”

10. Behold the soul


6. Ratiocinations

11. The Buddhist no-soul theory

© Avi Sion, 2003. 

7. How numbers arise

12. Buddhist historicity


8. Geometrical logic

13. About Buddhist idolatry

Table of Contents

Book 3. In Defense of Aristotle’s Laws of Thought

14. Buddhist messianism

Figures 1-4

1. Logicians have tointrospect

15. Assimilating Buddhism


2. The primacy of the laws of thought

Book 5.  Zen Judaism

1. What, Why and How

3. The ontological status of the laws

1. God and Creation

2. Organizing Principles

4. Fuzzy logic

2. Torah and faith

3. Experiences and Abstractions

5. Misrepresentation of Aristotle

3. Bible text and commentary

4. Conceptualization

6. Not on the geometrical model

4. Tradition vs. innovation

5. The Self

7. A poisonous brew

5. The rabbinical estate

6. Additional Topics

8. The game of one-upmanship

6. Judaic illogic

7. The Active Role of Logic

9. In Buddhist discourse

7. Jewish meditation

8. Epistemological Issues in Mathematics

10. Calling what is not a spade a spade

8. Enlightenment without idolatry

9. Theology Without Prejudice

11. Buddhist causation theory

9. Good people


12. A formal logic of change

10. A world of mercy


13. Buddhist critique of change

11. Understanding injustice

1 – Using Meditation

14. Different strata of knowledge

12. Forgiveness

2 – Feelings of Emptiness

15. Impermanence

13. Actions and reactions

3 – Mental Projection

16. Buddhist denial of the soul

Appendix 1.  Round numbers in Torah statistics


17. The status of sense perceptions

Appendix 2.  Prayer in uncertainty


18. The status of dreams and daydreams

Book 6.  No to Sodom

© Avi Sion, 2005.

19. The status of conceptions

1. Picking up the gauntlet


20. The laws of thought in meditation

2. Homosexuals defined

Table of Contents

21. Reason and spirituality

3. Homosexual tendencies


4. The biological role of sex

Part I: Logic Notes


5. Non-reproductive sex

1. About the Laws of Thought

© Avi Sion, 2002.

6. Deviance and suffering

2. About Induction


7. Some probable causes

3. About Words

Table of Contents

8. Changing rationalizations

4. About Formal Logic


9. It is freely chosen

5. About Paradoxes


10. Sensuality and perversion

6. About “Modern Logic”

1. The Tetralemma

11. Spiritual impurity

7. About Cognitive Development

2. Neither Real NorUnreal

12. The essence of sodomy

8. About Causal Logic

3. Nagarjuna’s Use of Dilemma

13. A social revolution

9. About Negation

4. The Subject-Predicate Relation

14. The defenders and promoters of homosexuality

Part II: More Logic Notes and Essays

5. Percepts and Concepts

15. Some legal issues

1. J.S. Mill’s Methods

6. Motion and Rest

16. A call for recovery

2. Addenda to Judaic Logic

7. Causality

17. (ANNEX) The Rabbis must ban homosexuals from Judaism

3. Diagrams for Judaic Logic

8. Co-Dependence

ADDENDA to the Reflections (2009)

4. Jewish Logic: A Brief History and Evaluation

9. Karmic Law

Logic in Defense of Zionism (2009)

5. Islamic Logic

10. God and Creation

The Chanukah Lights Miracle (2009)

6. Logical Aspects of Foucault’s “Archeology”

11. Self or Soul

7. Comments on 3 chapters of Foucault

12. Self-Knowledge


8. Bolzano’s Semantics Concepts

Not ‘Empty Logic’, but Empty of Logic

Thematic compilations


Political essays

SEARCH facility

1. Fallacies in Nagarjuna’s Work

Syllogismes causatifs avec conclusions positives

Cours Univ. Populaire

2. Brief Glossary of Some Basic Concepts

Le raisonnement talmudique




© Avi Sion, 2013.

Part III: Modern and Contemporary Authors

31. Various other commentaries


13. Moses Mielziner

32. A fortiori in various lexicons

Table of Contents

14. Adolf Schwarz

33. Conclusions and prospects


15. Saul Lieberman



16. Louis Jacobs

1. A fortiori discourse in the Jewish Bible

Part I: Formalities

17. Heinrich Guggenheimer

2. A fortiori discourse in the Mishna

1. The standard forms

18. Adin Steinsaltz

3. A fortiori discourse in the two Talmuds

2. More formalities

19. Jonathan Cohen

4. A fortiori discourse by Plato and Aristotle

3. Still more formalities

20. Michael Avraham

5. A fortiori discourse in otherworld literature

4. Apparently variant forms

21. Gabriel Abitbol

6. Logic in the Torah

5. Comparisons and correlations

22. HyamMaccoby

7. Some logic topics of general interest

Part II: Ancient and Medieval History

23. Alexander Samely

Main References

6. A fortiori in Greece and Rome

24. Lenartowiczand Koszteyn

7. A fortiori in the Talmud

25. Abraham, Gabbayand Schild

THE LOGICIAN home page

8. In the Talmud, continued

26. Stefan Goltzberg


9. Post-Talmudic rabbis

27. Andrew Schumann

SEARCH facility

10. A fortiori in the Christian Bible

28. Allen Wiseman


11. Islamic ‘logic’

29. Yisrael Ury

CONTACT e-mail

12. A fortiori in China and India

30. Hubert Marraud

Copyright Notice




© Avi Sion, 2018-9.

1. A Fortiori Argument, in General and in Judaism

5. Bar Ilan’sjournal, BDD


2. Luis Duarte D’Almeida

6. Self-publishing and Other Publishing

Table of Contents

3. Mahmoud Zeraatpishe

Main References


4. Michael Avraham, et al.

SEARCH facility