A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic is an original inquiry into the forms of thought determining Jewish law and belief, from the impartial perspective of a logician. Judaic Logic attempts to honestly estimate the extent to which the logic employed within Judaism fits into the general norms, and whether it has any contributions to make to them.

JL Summary

Summary Judaic logic: A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic is an original inquiry into the forms of thought determining Jewish law and belief, from the objective perspective of a logician. The author's previous treatise, Future Logic: Categorical and Conditional Deduction and Induction of the Natural, Temporal, Extensional and Logical Modalities, was a [...]

JL Summary2016-08-21T12:56:43+02:00

JL Appendix 4

Appendix 4. In this appendix, we review three currently popular texts on Judaic logic. Our object here is not merely to summarize those texts, but to give the reader an idea of the scope of traditional Talmud heuristics, and in passing perhaps bring to light some topics of epistemological significance. 1. Feigenbaum's Understanding the Talmud. [...]

JL Appendix 42016-08-21T13:16:47+02:00

Islam Logic

Islamic LogicThis short work consists of three essays:Islamic HermeneuticsThe Structure of Islamic LawLa philosophie de l'Islam(in French)It was written end 1998 or early 1999, as preparatory notes for a series of lectures on philosophy delivered to a group of some twenty students at the Université populaire de Genève.The first of these essays is significant, in [...]

Islam Logic2023-01-05T09:52:07+02:00

Raison Talmudique

Le raisonnement talmudique Compte-rendu d'une conférence donnée en janvier 1999, dans le cadre du Centre d'études juives auprès de l'Université de Genève. Nouvelle édition[1], Genève, 1999.   Avant-propos. Introduction. La démarche du logicien. L'argument a fortiori (qal va'homer). Validation. La confirmation ou l'élimination d'une hypothèse par l'évidence. La problématique rabbinique. La règle No. 8: Lélamède. [...]

Raison Talmudique2023-01-10T08:20:45+02:00

Jewish Logic

JEWISH LOGIC:  A Brief History and Evaluation1. Introduction.2. Traditional Claims and Historical Record.3. Comparisons and Assessments.1. Introduction. All comparative and historical studies are likely to deepen and enrich our understanding of logic in general. Reading the article on 'The History and Kinds of Logic', in theNew Encyclopaedia Britannica[1], one is struck by the total absence of [...]

Jewish Logic2023-01-05T09:54:58+02:00

JL Addenda

ADDENDA.Written after the Slatkine edition of 1997.1.Concerning Adductive Reasoning Relative to Prophecy.2.A Note on Astronomy.3.An Example of Secondary A-Fortiori in the Talmud.4.One More Example of A-Fortiori in the Tanakh.5.A Note Concerning Anachronisms.6.Inferences from Context.7.Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.8.Judgment-Calls.9.Tolerance of Contradictions.10.Proof of God by Analogy?11.Disproofs of God?12.Neither Certainty Nor Faith are Essential to Religious Ethics.13.The Rabbis' [...]

JL Addenda2023-01-05T09:56:57+02:00

JL Allied Works

ALLIED WORKSAfter writingJudaic Logic, I wrote little on related matters, even though my personal theological opinions further evolved. However, I wrote three short works, which I present here.   The first,Jewish Logic: A Brief History and Evaluation, was written soon afterJudaic Logic, to correct an essay on the same subject I had written five years before [...]

JL Allied Works2023-01-05T09:58:22+02:00


ORDER YOUR OWN HARDBOUND EDITION OFJUDAIC LOGIC(262 A4 p.)DIRECT FROM THE PUBLISHERS FOR ABOUT $50 (Sw.Fr. 50, plus p. & p.) !Editions Slatkine, 5 rue des Chaudronniers, P.O.B. 765, 1211 Geneva 3, Switzerland.Phone: +41 22 776 2551. Fax: +41 22 776 3527. E-mail:slatkine@slatkine.comInternet site:http://www.slatkine.com/Search for "Sion Avi" (not "Avi Sion") or "Judaic Logic".Judaic Logicis now [...]


JL References

REFERENCESAbehsera, A.The Universal Language I: Bavel Revisited.Jerusalem: Eqev, 1991.Abitbol, Gabriel.Logique du droit talmudique.Paris: Edition des Sciences Hébraïques, 1993.Akmajian, Adrian, Richard A Demers and Robert M. Harnish.Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication.2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT P, 1984.Bentwich, Norman.Hellenism.Philadelphia: Jewish, 1919.Bergman, Rabbi Meir Zvi.Gateway to the TalmudNew York: Mesorah, 1985.Biberfeld, Philip.Universal Jewish History.4 vols. Vol. [...]

JL References2023-01-05T09:59:59+02:00

JL Appendices

Contents of the Appendices.   APPENDIX 1. Further Notes on A-Fortiori Argument. APPENDIX 2. Notions of Time. APPENDIX 3. Gematria. APPENDIX 4. 1. Feigenbaum's Understanding the Talmud. 2. Rabinowich's Talmudic Terminology. 3. The Ramchal's Ways of Reason. APPENDIX 5. The Hebrew Language. APPENDIX 6. Further Notes on Harmonization Rules. More recent additions: Addenda Diagrams

JL Appendices2016-08-21T13:11:48+02:00
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