A FORTIORI LOGIC© Avi Sion, 2014. Addendum toA Fortiori Logic,chapter 25.This addendum has so far not been published in any book or e-book, although posted in The Logician website. It was written in April 2014. ADDENDUM - RETORT TO AVRAHAM, GABBAY & SCHILD 1.   About “translation”2.   About deduction3.   Past attempts4.   A fortiori argument?5.   In denial The present essay is [...]


30 Hubert Marraud

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 30 - Hubert Marraud1. Warrants and premises2. The main form of a fortiori3. So-called meta-arguments4. Paulo minor argument5. Legal a fortiori argumentThe most recent attempt to study a fortiori argument may be that of Hubert Marraud, whose “From a Stronger Reason,” a draft paper of 14p, was posted online in 2012[1]. From [...]

30 Hubert Marraud2023-01-05T12:28:37+02:00

12 A fortiori in China & India

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 12 -A fortiori in China and India1. Zen logic in general2. A fortiori use in Zen3. The Indian kaimutika1.Zen logic in generalZen logic, as is well known, is no logic, but a sort ofanti-logic, an antithesis of logic[1]. It thrives on paradox and even contradiction, at least apparent if not real. A [...]

12 A fortiori in China & India2023-01-05T12:32:29+02:00

29 Yisrael Ury

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 29 - Yisrael Ury1. An ingenious idea2. Diagrams for a fortiori argument3. No a crescendo or dayo4. Kol zeh achnisYisrael Ury’sCharting the Sea of Talmud: A Visual Method for Understanding the Talmud, published in2012[1]is a work with a very interesting logical innovation. But, though it has a chapter onqal vachomer(a fortiori) argument, [...]

29 Yisrael Ury2023-01-05T12:36:38+02:00

11 Islamic ‘logic’

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 11 -Islamic ‘logic’1. Logic in the Koran2. About the Koran3. Logic in the hadiths4. A fortiori in fiqh, based on Hallaq5. Other presentations and issues6. The dayo principle and more7. The essence of Islamic discourseIn this chapter, I am called upon for the sake of comprehensiveness to comment on some of the [...]

11 Islamic ‘logic’2023-01-05T12:43:15+02:00

28 Allen Wiseman

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 28 - Allen Wiseman1. Definition and Moods2. Inductive a fortiori3. Abduction and conduction4. Proportional a fortiori5. The dayo principle6. The scope of dayo7. Miriam and Aaron8. Summing upAllen Conan Wiseman wrote in 2010 an extensive study of a fortiori argument, entitledA Contemporary Examination of theA FortioriArgument Involving Jewish Traditions.This was not yet [...]

28 Allen Wiseman2023-01-05T12:46:12+02:00

10 A fortiori in the Christian Bible

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 10 -A fortiori in the Christian Bible1. In the Christian Bible2. Jesus of Nazareth3. Paul of Tarsus4. In later Christian discourse5. Additional findingsIn this chapter, I am called upon for the sake of comprehensiveness to comment on some of the a fortiori discourse found in Christian literature, especially the Gospels. I must [...]

10 A fortiori in the Christian Bible2023-01-05T12:48:08+02:00

27 Andrew Schumann

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 27 - Andrew Schumann1. Interpretation of Baba Qama 25a2. Syllogism as a fortiori3. Grandiosity without substance4. Logic custom-made5. Not logic, but lunacyAndrew Schumann has edited two collections of essays by various authors,Logic in Religious DiscourseandJudaic Logic(bothpublished in 2010)[1], to which I was invited to contribute articles. Though I am grateful to him [...]

27 Andrew Schumann2023-01-05T12:50:36+02:00

9 Post-Talmudic rabbis

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 9 -Post-Talmudic rabbis1. Logic and history issues2. Philo of Alexandria3. Sifra4. The Korach arguments5. Saadia Gaon6. Rashi and Tosafot7. Kol zeh assim8. Maimonides9. More on medieval authors10. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto11. More research is needed1.Logic and history issuesIn the present chapter, our object shall be to discuss and to some extent trace some [...]

9 Post-Talmudic rabbis2023-01-05T12:53:14+02:00

26 Stefan Goltzberg

A FORTIORI LOGICCHAPTER 26 - Stefan Goltzberg1. Source of his definition2. Soundness of the argument3. The dayo principle4. His “two-dimensional” theory1.Source of his definitionStefan Goltzberg apparently started writing quite recently, showing from the beginning considerable interest in a fortiori argument. We shall here review his essay in English “The A Fortiori Argument In The Talmud” [...]

26 Stefan Goltzberg2023-01-05T12:54:44+02:00
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