Contents in detail: ABSTRACT Summary CHAPTERS. 1.INTRODUCTION. The Development of Jewish Law. A Logic Primer.
2.ADDUCTIVE LOGIC IN THE TORAH. The Art of Knowing. Adduction in Western Philosophy. Adducing Prophecies and Prophethood. Logic and Mysticism.
3.THE FORMALITIES OF A-FORTIORILOGIC. The Valid Moods. Validation Procedures. Additional Details.
4.QAL VACHOMER. Background. Torah Samples. TheDayoPrinciple. Objections! Rabbinic Formulations.
5. REVISED LIST OF BIBLICAL A-FORTIORI. Problems Encountered. The Solution Found. The Data and their Analysis. Synthesis of Results. Talmudic/Rabbinic A-Fortiori.
6. THE LANGUAGE OF BIBLICAL A-FORTIORI. Torah Books. Historical Books. Other Books. Rejects.
7 WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Taking a Dilemma by its Horns. About Revision. Changes in the Law.
8.INITIAL IMPRESSIONS. Methods and Contents. DavqaorLav Davqa? KushyaandTerutz. Standards of Knowledge.
9.TRADITIONAL TEACHINGS. Hermeneutics. Heuristics. A Methodical Approach.
10.THE THIRTEEN MIDOT . Exposition and Evaluation. Inference of Information. Scope of Terms.
11. THE THIRTEEN MIDOT(II). 4. Harmonization.
12. THE SINAI CONNECTION. Verdict on Rabbinic Hermeneutics. Artificial Blocks to Natural Development of the Law. How “Tradition” Keeps Growing.
13. ON THE CONCEPT OF MITZVAH. Basic Properties. Complementary Factors. How to Count Mitzvot. Commandedvs. Personal Morality.
14. LOGICAL ASPECTS OF EMUNAH. On Natural Proofs of Religion. Theodicy and the Believer’s Wager. Faith and Justice. Legislated Belief.
15. EPILOGUE. Motives of the Present Research. Conclusions of our Study.
Appendices and Addenda. APPENDIX 1.Further Notes on A-Fortiori Argument. APPENDIX 2.Notions of Time. APPENDIX 3.Gematria. APPENDIX 4. Feigenbaum’sUnderstanding the Talmud. Rabinowich’sTalmudic Terminology. The Ramchal’sWays of Reason.
APPENDIX 5.The Hebrew Language. APPENDIX 6.Further Notes on Harmonization Rules. ADDENDA. Concerning Adductive Reasoning Relative to Prophecy. A Note on Astronomy. An Example of Secondary A-Fortiori in the Talmud. One More Example of A-Fortiori in the Tanakh. A Note Concerning Anachronisms. Inferences from Context. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. Judgment-Calls. Tolerance of Contradictions. Proof of Gd by Analogy? Disproofs of Gd? Neither Certainty Nor Faith are Essential to Religious Ethics. The Rabbis’ Antipathy to Philosophy.
DIAGRAMS REFERENCES Story ofJudaic Logic. Order the Slatkine Edition ofJudaic Logic ALLIED WORKS JEWISH LOGIC: A BRIEF HISTORY AND EVALUATION. Introduction. Traditional Claims and Historical Record. Comparisons and Assessment.
LE RAISONNEMENT TALMUDIQUE. Avant-propos. Introduction. La démarche du logicien. L’argument a fortiori (qal va’chomer) Validation. La confirmation ou l’élimination d’une hypothèse par l’évidence. La problématique rabbinique. La règle No. 8:Lélamède. Autres règles en bref. Bilan. Le talmud et la raison…